Physician anesthesiologist was born in 1964, he completed his graduate studies in Côte d'Ivoire. In addition to medical training, he has a variety of other skills, including management of health projects. He took part in numerous meetings and training related to medical problems in Côte d'Ivoire. His career is done collaborations with many private health facilities. He began his medical career in the voluntary sector (first president of the Association of Young Doctors Ivorians (AJMI)). It is sports physician and is also business where it has jurisdiction doctor. Primarily it is an independent consultant and trainer in the management of health programs (GIS health Reproductive health-planning). He assumed the role of emergency physician for I.MÉDICALES (structure of family medicine; medecindefamilles@gmail.com)

Since 2009  : Treasurer General of the Ivorian Medical Association (IMA)
 Since 2007  : General Coordinator of the Technical Committees of the Association
Private Clinics in Côte d'Ivoire (ACPCI).
Description of tasks
1.    Coordinate teams for the implementation of the strategic plan.
2.    Conduct change management in its various aspects.
3.    Mobilize internal resources around the projects.
4.    Following the profitability of projects.
5.    Provide feedback to the steering committee.
 2007-2012 :   Secretary General Deputy of  the Association of Private Hospitals of Côte d'Ivoire.
1.    Representative ACPCI the Joint Committee of the MSHP.
2.    Representing ACPCI MAI.
3.    A member of the organizing committee of the International Exhibition of Welfare and Health in Abidjan in 2009 and 2010. (SIBSA).
4.    A member of five committees   ( HEALTH AND   SOCIAL SERVICES ) and 11 ( MOVEMENT OF PERSONS, Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists, Nurse (s), Midwives Vets ). Relative to the development of national offers and requests on trade in services in the negotiations of  Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs).
Directorate General of Health (MOH) - Ministry of African Integration
5.    A member of the Preparatory Committee for the HEALTH CARD.
6.    focal point for the preparation of NATIONAL HEALTH ACCOUNTS
7.    A member of the COMISSION MIXED PRIVATE INSURANCE HEALTH FACILITIES College of Physicians of Cote d'Ivoire.
Since 2002  : Consultant to Support Programme Health System Ivorian
                        Description of tasks
1.    Collaborate in the validation of the program.
2. Participate in the studies identified for the period of the project.    
3.   Promote the program to associations    Professional  
4.   Participate demand, capacity building of local staff have to take part in the program.
Since 2002  : Instructor at the National School of Statistics and Applied Economics (ENSEA).
                        Description of tasks
1.    Officer training module HEALTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS students ITS2 option health and epidemiological surveillance responsible for training.
2.    Officer training module EMERGENCY OBSTETRIC through the training of health personnel .
Since 2001 : Lecturer and Person   of the various associations and resource
Professional Organizations
                        Description of major tasks
1.    Speaker of the NGO CERISSE (NGOs fight against AIDS among students, the funding recipient GLOBAL FUND) TERM: THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE VULNERABILITY OF WOMEN VIS-A-VIS THE HIV AIDS.
                                    BACKGROUND: Awareness of students in the halls   of Abidjan
2.    Responsible for the development , the NGO CERISSE, guide structures support those affected and infected by HIV / AIDS in Abidjan (exploration, development and reproduction). 
Since 1998  : Project Officer of the Association for PROmotion of Medicine
Community associations and Ivory Coast. (APROMACI)
                        Description spots
    1. Identify projects within the mandate of the association.
    2. Identify the scientific resources of the association.
    3. Management studies and projects of the association.
    4. Attend the required research teams.
    5. Conduct studies and research.
Since 1997  : Physician assistant at ENSEA companies and SOCOCE-SDP.-ABIDJAN .
                        Description of tasks
1.    Consult workers sick.
2.    Ensure prevention activities particularly through the Health Committee of the company.
3.    Visits systematic hiring and resumption of work.
4.    Perform annual health assessments.
5.    Manage paramedical personnel at our disposal.
6.    Ensuring the availability of essential drugs and basic necessities in the infirmary.
7.    Caring for the accidents both medically and administratively including issuing necessary documents to support the CNPS.
8.    Manage orders medication and ensure their availability at the administration, sports teams, and the halls of the hospital.
9.    Issuing prescriptions provisions of the eyes of each type of health insurance for workers and non-officials or students.
D ince 1997  : Physician Anesthesiologist and   Reanimator assistant at the Polyclinic   HOTEL-DIEU ABIDJAN and POLYCLINIC CENTRAL STATION-ABOBO.
                        Description of tasks
1.    Consult patients admitted to emergency.
2.    Visit inpatients.
3.    Provide support cases resuscitation
4.    Providing anesthesia in emergency department patients with obstetric and surgical emergencies. 
5.   Organize meetings to evaluate   our business.
6.    Manage evacuations locally or abroad.
7.    Coordinate and supervise the work of paramedics under our responsibility


. 1     The political crisis in Côte d'Ivoire since 2002 has led to a sharp deterioration in the economic and social situation of the population, significant declines were especially on the front of the fight against poverty and the achievement the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The standard of living has deteriorated with the increase in the poverty rate from 38.4% in 2002 to 48.9% in 2008. Poverty is more acute in rural and urban and regional disparities are strong. It affects nearly four out of five poor people in the North and West (63.2%), the Midwest (62, 9%), North West (57.9%), North Central (57 , 0%) and Northeast (54.7%) have high rates ranging beyond the national average.
2.     , the situation has worsened in the areas of health, education, water, sanitation, with clashes and massive displacement of the post-election crisis from November 2010 to April 2011 and civil and social protection. More specifically,  the Ivorian health system suffers from both structural problems of development since the September 2002 crisis and the effects of the recent conflict which led looting and destruction of infrastructure, equipment and inventories of supplies and   medicines and that profoundly disrupted an already fragile system. The crisis has resulted in the movement of health personnel, looting of health infrastructure and illegal occupation by displaced populations and combatants and a resurgence of epidemic-prone diseases such as cholera.
And political situation of the health sector
3.     mortality rates [1] maternal and infant child were respectively 470 per 100 000 live births and 116.9 for 1000. The prevalence rate of HIV / AIDS [2] is estimated at 3.4% in 2010.
4.     Despite this critical situation, the budget allocated to health is low. The annual share of the state budget allocated to the Ministry in charge of health was 5% in 2007 and 2008 instead of the 15% recommended by WHO. The contribution of the state in the total health expenditure is 17% while that of households and development partners represented 69% and 13% respectively in 2008 [3] [4] .
5.     was not fully implemented the National Health Development Plan 2009-2013 is the period of crisis that a succession of emergencies. Achieving the health MDGs, including MDG 4, 5 and 6 on the reduction of child mortality, maternal and the fight against communicable diseases including HIV / AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis is not feasible in the current context.
6.     treats "Living Together", the program of the candidate Alassane Ouattara became roadmap government health in Chapters 7 and 9 respectively entitled "are enhancing the role of women and their families" and "reorganizing our health care system" . Based on this roadmap, the PRSP is being reviewed under the auspices of the Ministry of Planning and Development. This vision must then be transposed into sectoral policies by the ministers concerned.
7.     's "Government Work Program" in July 2011, through a matrix of priority actions set the direction of each department in the next six months, elections are scheduled for December 2011. This program assigns the new Ministry of Health and the Fight against AIDS (MSLS) mission to ensure the reorganization of the health system through nine actions. The key measure of the post-crisis period was free health care: Action No. 1 comes as improving "  affordability by the continued free support care population in public health facilities for a transitional period of six months  . "
8.     Meanwhile, sectoral policy documents (and their programmatic and budgetary declination) are being revised, according to a timetable presented by the Minister of Health sector partners in the summer of 2011. Thus, the cell Prospective and Strategy (CPS) MSLS she prepared a new document of National Health Policy in October 2011 which sets broad policies and strategies that will be included in the next PNDS.
9.     's MSLS, through its technical structure the National Programme for the Development of Pharmaceutical Activity (PNDAP), validated in October / November 2011 a National Pharmaceutical Master Plan (PDPN) 2012-2016 also called National Strategic Plan Execution the National Pharmaceutical Policy. This five-year plan should serve as a practical guide to the various players in the pharmaceutical industry including those of drug regulation, supply and promotion of rational use. The situation of the Public Health Pharmacy (PSP) in charge of the purchase and distribution of drugs and supplies for the public sector is indeed one of the main bottlenecks in the public health system over the last ten years .
. 10  Universal Health Coverage (CMU) is also one of the priorities of President Ouattara displayed: the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Solidarity has established a Working Group that produced the CMU January 1 st document in October 2011.
11.  two strategy papers for two other pillars of health systems have been produced in recent years, the Strategic Plan for the development of human resources in the health sector (PSDRHS) from 2009 to 2013 and the Improvement Plan Performance System and information systems (MIS) (former National Health Information System - HMIS).
12.  The National Technical Studies and Development Office (BNETD) has made ​​an offer to update the health card in May 2011, supported by the Ministry and the President's advisor in charge of health under his knowledge sector and which has historically driven the establishment Ivorian health infrastructure.
13.  The private sector is heavily involved in the health sector, grouped in two well-organized unions (one for independent practitioners and one for private clinics). A national forum for the improvement of the business environment in the private health sector took place in early 2008 and two seminars are being organized for public-private partnerships in health (problems in new contracts and public control mainly) and taxation to stimulate the upgrading of technical platforms clinical and the fight against fraud.
14.  Côte d'Ivoire signed the agreement to join the International Partnership Initiative for Health and Related Initiatives (IHP +) [5] .
. 15  The main technical and financial partners in the health sector in Côte d'Ivoire (i) on HIV / AIDS and malaria topics: President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the Global Fund to fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (FM) and the World Bank (WB) (ii) strengthening the health system (RSS): The European Union (EU), the African Development Bank (AfDB) - rehabilitation in part of general budget support, the United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) - as technical support. At the end of October 2011, the injection of new funding opportunities for RSS are limited to € 15 million project funded by the EU (both axes are community health and PSP);

[1] Survey indicators of AIDS (EIS 2005), December 2006. 
[2] National Report United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS 2010) Côte d'Ivoire in January 2008 - December 2009 - Technical National Council for the Fight against AIDS (CNLS), March 2010 Secretariat.
[3] National Health Accounts 2007-2008
[4] National Health Accounts: What do they reveal in Côte d'Ivoire? Anne July, Health Systems 20/20 Abt Associates, June 15, 2011 Global Health Conference, Washington, DC.
[5] Ivory Coast feels a letter in August 2011 Declaring icts adherence to the principles and Commitments of IHP + - http://www.internationalhealthpartnership.net/en/countries/cte_divoire


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